Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sean's Point Out Photo Thursday
Here we have a packaged set of Victor brand mousetraps. Look at the ordinary logo of a cartoon mouse...or is that a mouse?
When turned completely upside down the cartoon mouse logo seems to resemble a very disturbing hate group. We all know them as the Ku Klux Klan. (follow the red pointing arrows to the red circles in the image above)
Could this be a coincidence?
Could the KKK be subliminally putting their propaganda in strategically placed product marketing?
Is the KKK just adding on to their list of groups they hate, with the included Mice group now?
This shows that racism could be right around your corner, or in that hole in the wall by the base molding in your kitchen.
Yours truly,
Dr. Miche's Midweek Musings....
So it's been a long week... Actually, it's kind of hard to count weeks - I've worked the 14 of the last 17 days, and my mind is fried... and I have another 5 days in a row to go.... *sigh*. Couple that with the recent 'imminent pandemic,' and let's just say it's been an interesting time to work in hospital. So I think this is going to come out as a stream of consciousness, but here we go!
So I have a confession to make. I think I'm psychic.
yup, i really said that.
No, really - I was born a Pisces, and have been told by 3 different, perfect strangers that I have a 'gift' (which is odd to me... I mean, can you see that sort of thing??). I'm not saying that I can 'predict' things, per se', but that I have a lot of really odd coincidences in my life... let me explain.
Rewind back to a little over a week ago. I'm at work, and just having leisurely conversation with a co-worker that I will refer to as "gary" from here on out, mostly because that's his name. Gary is going on vacation soon, so we started listing off places we'd each like to go someday. I speak of how much I'd like to go to Europe; he says he wants to go to Yellowstone National Park. Soon.
Before it explodes.
Hmm.... before it explodes? Why would he say that. I was then treated to an explanation of how Yellowstone sits on top of a major pool of lava. Hmm... I've heard something like that before, something about why Old Faithful is indeed so faithful. He says it's something called a 'supervolcano'. I'm now intrigued. We go online. He is correct - there are a few major 'supervolcanoes' on the planet that over hundreds of thousands of years are dormant and then suddenly explode with the violent power of 1000 atomic bombs. I find this interesting. Mostly because I am a huge nerd.
By the way, it wasn't really busy on this particular night... all of the patients were fine, I assure you.
Anyway, while searching for info on supervolcanoes, gary happens upon a website called He shrugs it off, he wants honest-to-goodness scientific facts. I am not so quick to dismiss this treasure-trove of paranoia. I browse the contents, loving every second of it, when i find a section labeled 'epidemics and plagues'. I read along, and see an indistinctive mention of a little something going on in Mexico.
Swine flu.
I say out loud, "hey, remember bird flu? When everyone panicked? now there's swine flu... you've got to be kidding me... like that would be a big deal..."
Fast forward to about 2 days later. Plastered all over the internet. A few days after that, WHO Level 5 threat. Dammit.
Did i predict this? no. Is it a weird coincidence.... hell yes. I use the phrase, "i was just talking about that... " a lot.
Don't ask me about the dreams I had in July/August 2001 and the conversation with my parents I had about how my generation has no 'where were you' event that they talk about like the Kennedy assassination.
I'm pretty sure I've said too much. But that's how we do it in HDO. Remember, kids... wash those hands thoroughly many times a day. And keep hydrated. Just in case.
Love you all,
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
New Buttons !
Billy's Empty Mind of a Tuesday
*27 minutes pass*
.........uhhh. Hey. You guys still here? My mind is a complete blank.
Oh ok, well here's something. I went bowling this weekend, for Keith's b-day, at the ever classy Memory Lanes. Keith wanted everyone to wear a beard, and to me this sounded like a cool idea. I think it was easy for some people to accept the rules of this party because they already had beards. Me, for myself I'm anti-beard out of the simple fact that I don't think I look good with one, desite all the assurances the moment I put on a ridiculous fake one: "You'd look.......SO good with a beard." If I look good with a bunch of fake hair strapped to my face, that's not incentive to me.
Here's the thing with beards though. I don't know how you lumberjacks and other facial hair lovin guys(and girls) do it, but I find it to be incredibly distracting. How do fakes differ from real ones? Is it better when there is not the strap in the back and hooks behind your ears? Or when the mouth piece is slightly bigger, to better the chances of you speaking clearly and being able to eat and drink....ANYTHING?
Also, what's the temperature like, because I found that sticking a mop on my face kinda upped the temp. in the room a good 15 degrees. Or maybe that was just the bowling ball on fire from my record breaking scores of 122, 96, and 103. Take that, ESPN 8.
I guess, the moral of today's blog is this, for people curious about the pros and cons of fake vs. real beards:
Real Beard Pros:
Save money on razor blades
Some chicks dig scruff.
Real Beard Cons:
You lose a chance to peruse the razor blade aisle.
Some chicks DON'T dig scruff. (Yeah, think about it)
Fake Beard Pros:
You can take it off and enjoy beers and food without it sticking to your face.
You can adjust it to clear up your voice, or you can adjust it so all your words remain shrouded with mystery.
Fake Beard Cons:
The strap in the back always falls down, crushing your ears, and forcing you to miss the compliments of: "That's a sweet beard."
You spend all night wondering whose hair you have on your face.
I'm sure I'll get some replies from people with beards who claim I am jealous, or other Pro-Beard people that are flabbergasted by someone NOT wanting a beard. All I can tell you is, I feel lonely when I'm not buying Schick or Gillette, and if people ALL had beards, the fake beard business would be bankrupt and do we really want more people losing jobs in this economy?
God Bless America.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ryan and DaBomb
Anyway, because it was so beautiful outside, Bar A (i know. trust me, i know) opened up their outside deck and sand pits and stuff and I double fisted so many beers. Just like that time i double fisted year.....
I went out with a bunch of "co-workers" and we had a small table to ourselves. Over a short period of time, all of our beers began to overflow the table and people started getting confused as to which beer was whose. We were so confused that my dear friend Sara took a sip from one beer and said "oh my god, who put a shot in this beer?" "A shot?" we all thought to ourselves. Then, my friend Asa's jaw dropped...
About 20 minutes earlier, my drunken comrade Ryan C. began indulging in his small tin of chewing tobacco. That's right. My friend Sara drank my friend Ryan's dip spit. It was perhaps the best moment of my life. Well, except for that time I disposed of that Cuban boy'
ANYWAY! My weekend was only completed on Sunday when someone called in a bomb threat at the mall. Security guards began to run around yelling "close up your stores! there's a bomb in JCPennies! Go to the food court!" I acted swiftly, but rather than head to the food court, I figured there were still some rays to be caught. So we all sat outside and watched as the cops drove around in circles. And boy am I red! I look like a human lobster. You should see my tan lines.
And you will. YOU ALL WILL!!!
Well, I had to get that off my chesty so I can get some resty. Call me!
- Ry Guy
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Keith's Top Seven Pandemics "Kermit the Frog came down with a bad case of Mrs. Piggy"
Lizzie and the Terrible To-Do
So things have been going pretty slow in the land of Lizzie. So slow in fact, that I am kinda at a loss of what to blog about....that's right kiddies, I have been successfully avoiding bar fights ( to much dismay). The only thing that is keeping me going right now is my to-do list of things I need to get done by the end of the school year. Unfortunately, my train has been stuck in procrastination station for quite some time now so I don't really know if my list will ever get accomplished. Lets just touch upon a few bullet points of my to-do list and see what I should do and what I will do....
Library Books
What I should do: find time between classes and quickly run over to the library and drop the books off.
What I will do: let the books sit in a stack on my desk while I keep my stuffed animal Olamba the lamb sitting on top as the king of the over-due books!
What I should do: separate the darks from the lights (just like Jim Crowe) and put my clothes in the wash!
What I will do: let the dirty laundry pile up until I can't fit any more in the basket. Then I'll just take it all home with me and have my mom do it.
What I should do: wake up early before my classes and run to the gym for a quick morning work out.
What I will do: sleep late and then grab a bagel from Einsteins....extra cream cheese!
What I should do: get a head start on all my assignments so that I'm not rushing to get them done the night before they're due.
What I will do: Facebook.
So that's just a snipit of the things I need to do quite soon. If anyone cares to help me with my endevors, I am all for someone else returning my books....that library gives me the heebie-jeebies!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Jay's Flappin' Friday
On how to make love - "I got some roses, Viagra, and a bottle of scotch."
On the effects of Viagra- "I pop two of those things and 13 pigeons could land on my shit."
On pleasure- "I don't need Viagra, I just take it cause it makes it feel like I'm going to cum the whole time."
On Substance Abuse - "I don't get why people want to do another line of coke. You ain't gonna get any higher."
I wish I could have learned more from this modern Confucius, but alias, I had reached my destination. After that, I did and observed improv all day. Sweet. Then I got my drink on and that is why I'm flappin' at you right now. Jay Out!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Billy's List of Movie Theater Targets Part 1
1) Don't Tell Anyone We Didn't Hire A Babysitter
Ok, so it's a Friday night. You have your newborn son, and he's great, you love him, but gosh darnit, you NEED to get out of the house and have some time to breathe. So, you call your sitter. She can't do it. She has plans. What a bitch. You call the backup. He's sick. The bastard probably deserved it, is surely what goes through your mind. Hours go by, and your options dwindle to nothing. Clearly, you need to stay home. Your son won't get the complex plot developments of Saw VIII, it's all lost on him. Besides, maybe it's a liiiiitle too vio-
No...TO HELL WITH IT! We're going out! So, you strap your kid into his seat, and head to the cinema for a family outing of the latest brutal killings of the Jigsaw Killer. Now, I usually am already in the theater when I see parents stroll their kids into a movie totally inappropriate for them. You hear groans and moans from people who realize what they're now in for, and disgust for the parents who clearly just don't care, but are ignorant and ready to enjoy a peaceful night, and any noise they hear from their kid is just white noise until the movie is over. If THEY can ignore it, everyone else just has to deal.
I suppose my question is more with the ticket buying process. Obviously, R rated movies you can't buy a ticket unless you're 17. Now, I'm not a moron, I realize the newborn isn't buying his own ticket, but shouldn't there be a law? Does the parent shell out $10 for a ticket for the kid that has no idea where the hell he is? Or do the people behind the counter let him slide. Basically, do the people behind the counter consider a newborn the equivalent of your jacket, or maybe a backpack or a baseball cap. Inconsequential things that you don't need to pay for. Do parents ever put up a fight if they have to pay $10 for the kid? I wonder if any have the nerve to act as if the THEATER is out of line? Oh well.. You've got this big stroller blocking people. You've got a crying kid, you've got oblivious parents, and suddenly the torture isn't on the new way the Jigsaw Killer is ripping some dude's legs off to teach him a lesson he so richly deserves, it's wishing these parents hire a fleet of babysitters for the next time they wanna go out, before you wait for the end credits to see if Jigsaw has any contact information for potential clients.
Too violent? Sorry, I take my theaters very seriously. With that I say good night and good luck. I hope I don't come off too insane and bitter, and if I do please understand it's all based on my pure vile hatred of children.
Dr. Miche's Midweek Musings...
As many of you know, or will sometime soon, most jobs are kind of dull for the better part of the day. I am indeed one of those lucky people. Therefore, we sometimes have to find ways to make the hours a bit more fun, and today we played one of my favorites from college - "what movie stars would you cast in a movie about you and your friends?".
I hope I'm not inadvertently stealing any of Ryan's movie-themed thunder (although I'm sure he has plenty to go around), but I got to thinking about what would happen if someone were brilliant enough to give me a pile of money to make a movie based on the lives and shennanigans of HDO. Although I have no idea what the plot would be like (besides hilarious, obviously), and wonder if there would even be a plot to speak of, I got to thinking of how I'd cast this particular cinematic wonder. I decided to base my dream-list cast on a variety of characteristics, so most of my suggestions bear no physical resemblance to HDO (which is to say, please don't be offended if the actor in question isn't Matthew McConaughey or Angelina Jolie, boys). So here it is:
In my opinion, the only actors who would do him justice are the ones who share his talent for countless facial expressions and maniacal physical comedy. So, even though I know this choice may be the most controversial of the bunch, know that I made it with nothing but love and respect, Ryan. And the fact that I was one of about 20 people who saw Number 23.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ryan's Movie Makeovers
If you're anything like me, you are ultra attractive. And also, you practically live for horror movies and all things spooktacular! When I'm not working out or tutoring small children, I tend to day dream about being IN those horror movies, and how I would do things differently. Sure, we all watch the cast of characters on the big screen thinking "don't go in there!", but they always do. (shakes head slowly) They always do...
Well, I wouldn't. In fact, I'm fairly certain my horror movie would only be 7 minutes long because I would be smart enough to find the most logical means of thwarting my villain. In this segment, I will name the movie I want to be in, the villain I am going head to head with, and how I would resolve my issue with the one who plans to do me harm. Take it away, Larry!
Movie: Child's Play
Villain: Chucky (the doll)
How I would do things differently: Two words - Golden Retriever. If this worked out as I picture it in my head, my four legged friend would tear that doll to shit. Plus the screaming would just get him even more hyped up. The clean up would be easy (because he's made out of cotton) AND the dog would be staying away from those adorable throw pillows my mother got me from JCPennies. Everybody wins!
Movie: Friday the 13th
Villain: Jason Vorheese
How I would do things differently: Simple. After gaining a pretty good history of just how grizzly those murders were way back when, I'd happily decline the position of camp counselor at Crystal Lake and take that internship at 94.3 the Point. I don't like the outdoors that much anyway. Too many bugs.
Movie: Nightmare on Elm Street
Villain: Freddy Kreuger (or is it Krueger?)
How I would Do Things Differently: This one isn't so cut and dry. He kills you in your sleep. So, although this is a little bit more...long term...I would chug as much liquid before bed as I could. Then I would pass out. By the time I fell into the dream state and Freddy made an appearance, my bladder would release the fluid and I would piss myself. That sensation (as we all know...) snaps you RIGHT out of your dream. Then, I would run to the fridge, chug even MORE water/milk/juice and do the whole thing over. I know it would take a lot of of determination, but I figure Freddy is gonna catch on to me - and the mone t he tries to slice and dice - oops! I wet the bed! I figure he'd turn his attention to someone else. Like Lizzie. It's her problem now. Ta-da!
Movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Villain: Leather Face
How I would do things differently: go to ANY OTHER state. I hear North Carolina is beautiful this time of year.
Movie: Scream
Villain: Ghost Face
How I would do things differently: I'd hit "reject incoming call"
Movie: Jaws
Villain: Sharky
How I would do things differently: I'd swim at the local Y.
Movie: 30 Days of Night
Villain: Vampires
How I'd do things differently: I'd brag about how I'm good friends with Buffy. If that didn't work, I'd invite everyone on my deck, encourage them to round up as many splinters as possible, and start stabbing those blood suckers! I'm not sure if it would do the trick, but splinters sure are pesky!
Movie: Dawn of the Dead
Villain: Zombies!
How I'd do things differently: I'd still lock myself in the mall, only I'd have as much weed on me as possible. I wouldn't even try to leave. I'd watch movies, ride those 50 cent machines, play with cameras, try on clothes, go to chik-filet. Tell me you'd hate living in a mall, and I'll buy you lunch. I dare you! I DARE YOU!
Didn't think so.
Aight chillin. I'm tired. You're the best. Don't change a thing.
- Ry Guy
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Keith's Top Seven of the Week "Earth Day is for Hippies and Communists"
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Lizzie's Bar-scapade
So I'm not much of a person who likes to start fights. For the most part, I'm all about the love. But there are occasions when I need to set a sucka straight. Normally I end up unharmed, but this Thursday was an exception.
SO my friends and I decided to go to the Lakehouse this Thursday to check out our friend Zach's DJing skills. We were all enjoying ourselves and didn't have a care in the world....that is, until I encountered her.....
I'm standing by the bar chatting it up with my buddy Mike, when two jolly green giants with bad roots sloppily stumble past me. Now normally this display of unattractive stupidity wouldn't bother me, but as they tripped by one of them proceeded to bump into me, causing me to spill my beer on the dress I had borrowed from my roommate.....the gloves were off. As she kept on trucking, I whipped around and gave her a light smack on the arm and stated "don't push". A simple statement on her clumsiness, I figured she would have a moment of embarrassment and then walk away. WRONG!!! I had messed with the wrong biotch! This creature came at me like a spider monkey shouting "DON'T YOU F*%$ING HIT ME!!!" and then did what any drunk girl at a bar who has watched She's All That over and over again would do....she threw her drink right in my face! From the taste, it appeared to be vodka and coke. The alcohol stung my eyes as I watched the culprit and her friend race for the door. Mike held me back before I could even attempt to catch the demon! As I began to become aware of my sticky state, a couple of bouncers came over to see if I'm ok.....cause you know, sometimes vodka and coke attacks can be fatal. I say I'm fine and they tell me they can't do anything cause the girl left the bar.....they didn't even offer me a napkin....thanks for the help bouncer bros!
So the moral of this story children is that you should never pick fights with crazy intoxicated she-beasts unless you're looking to spend the rest of the night feeling like the inside of a lollipop wrapper!
Keep it safe!
Dr. Miche's Midweek Musings...
As the eldest and possibly the nerdiest member of HDO, I thought it might be nice to impart some wisdom in my posts. So here are some things I've learned recently, some by conventional means, some the hard way, annotated for your pleasure.
* If one were so motivated to travel up north and eat the liver of a polar bear, that person would likely die due to an overdose of Vitamin A. (source: food network)
* When you find yourself playing darts at a bar, and one of the darts takes a wayward bounce off of the dartboard, resist the instinct to catch it barehanded. You'll end up bloody and embarassed. (source: my lame attempt at socializing last Friday night)
*Suprisingly, a tetanus shot is nearly painless. The next day, however, it feels like someone has been head-butting your arm for an hour and a half. (source: the fallout from above)
* Vampires have big hair (source: "Twilight", a movie that I can't believe I'm actually watching right now)
* Despite the fact that a co-worker insists that Beyonce's "I'm a Single Lady" is a song with a "positive message", I speak for the majority of single ladies when I say that we don't appreciate the gesture. That song is annoying. (source: any given radio station at any given time)
* There is a kid in this movie who looks like a 17-year old Edward Norton. (source: see above commentary... yes, I'm still watching this movie)
* Cat paws are similar to dog paws. They both smell like Fritos. (source: Brucewayne, my cat)
* A grouping of seals is called a "rookery." (source: jay and sean, also the discovery channel)
* No matter what Keith says, zombies are scary as hell. (source: 65% of my nightmares)
From me to you,
Jay's Overly Fun Friday
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sean's Top Five
Top Five Women
1. Daisy Fuentes
2. Marlo Meekins - look her up :)
3. Dee Snider
4. Queen Elizabeth
5. Dione Warwick - circa 1970's
Top Five Men
1. Phillip Seymour Hoffman - we share the same birthday :)
2. Denzel Washington
3. Thomas, the cashier at my local Shop Rite who is 34 years old
4. George Clooney - in his Batman suit from the movie Batman & Robin
5. Steve from Blue's Clues
Make a Top Five of your own and see what happens. You may stumble upon some great infatuations that could lead to a healthy stalking career. We can all dream, can't we?
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Billy's Tale Of Yo-Yo Related Tomfoolery
I work for a company where I'm a temp. I call people who come to our company's booth at events who seem interested in buying what we sell. Naturally, we have to entice people to our booth, and what do we choose? I can't believe I'm actually saying this...
....we give out Yo-Yo's. Seriously. We give out Yo-Yo's with our company logo on them. And people go NUTS for them. Like they've never seen a yo-yo in their lives. Like it's the missing piece to eternal life. That being said, we don't make it easy, you have to fill out a form to GET the yo-yo, so we have your info and can harrass you later. Some people, really do want info, so they take the form seriously. OTHER people, could care less, and just want to be brought back to their care free days when Yo-Yo's were a big part of what they were as a person. Today, I discovered such a person on my list. His blatant LACK of effort at making the form believable, made my entire work day worthwhile. Lucky for him, these forms are processed without review, so I was likely the first one to discover this.
Under Company Name, all he did was write: Yo-Yo Getting Place. We haven't been called that in AGES.
Under Phone Number, he wrote: 012-345-6789 I have this weird feeling that this isn't real.
His email address is under a website called Yahioo. Not a typo.
Finally we get to the grand finale, the comments section. You can write anything you see fit that you can consider crucial to helping us understand your needs. I'm not going to put everything, because a lot of it is absolute gibberish, but here are some highlights:(real comments in BOLD and my less funny comments in ITALICS)
blow the circuitbreakers in caf so that no 1 could open the walk-in.frrezerr ,meat locker,dairy locker,or produce loqcker for four days without loss of 10,000 worth of caf food supplies.
Ok, so, he works for a school I guess. And he doesn't have access to their dictionaries. And we could ASSUME it's $10,000. But we don't know for sure. Either way, do schools carry THAT much food? That's a lot of chicken fingers.
production doesnt pass the QI and cause Bush Admin not to set a date on the Return ofthe Troops , to maintin GOOD TRADE!!!!
So, now, the food didn't survive, mostly because of the war? or did the war start BECAUSE of the food? And did THE PRESIDENT KNOW?!?! These are the questions, I'm pretty sure we don't know the answers to. Finally, under a list of products needed:
6789, Stop ,thief? stop in the name of the lsw!
This guy really wanted a yo-yo. I hope it brought him the happiness he needed.
So, yeah, that's my job. It's rarely that interesting, but maybe you'll get lucky and I'll have more run-ins. For the sake of chicken finger lovers everywhere, I hope that's the case.
We'll see you next week.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Ryan's Slim Pickins
Greetings, loyal ones! Hope my directions weren't too confusing and that you got here safely. Now, with that being said, please don't touch or move anything.
I am new to this world of "blogging", but I am hopeful that this will allow me to express myself freely and without judgment. And although it is late, there is one thing I have to get off of my chest...something that has haunted me for many years now. If any of you own the book POST SECRET by Frank Warren, I ask that you open it now and turn to page 46. If you don't own the book, a small background. Basically this man (Frank Warren) asked people to send him post cards bearing their darkest secrets. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people wrote down their secrets and sent them to him. he then took some of those postcards and put them into the book, sharing them with the world. On page 46, at the top of the page, there is a photograph of a bowl of soup, and above it is a caption that reads, "When I'm mad at my husband...I put boogers in his soup." (pause) Here is what I have to say about that:
1) You're f*cking gross.
2) Little do you know that your neighbors saw you hovering over that boiling pot of New England clam chowder, picking your nose gold, and flicking it in. And little do you know that they told your husband. And little do you know that tonight, he is planning to beat you with his belt. THE BUCKLE END. And little do you know that your neighbors call you "Slim Pickins" behind your back. And little do you know, that when you die and go to heaven, God is going to fart in your mouth and make you hold it in for one whole minute because he and I (and probably everyone else who read your "secret") know that your a disgusting, filthy little pig!
Have a great week everybody!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Keith's Top Seven of the Week "Jesus is everywhere, yet he still doesn't answer any of my F#@% text messages."
Lizzie's Crafty Caboodle
Friday, April 10, 2009
Jay's Fisticuff Friday
The Match Up:
Weasel vs. Diesel
I was one of many who had the distinct privilege of watching this backyard slugfest. When Diesel entered my neighbor Will Humphries’ back yard the crowd went absolutely bananas. Weasel also managed to make a memorable entrance by catching a wild rabbit and eating it.
The fight was way closer than most anticipated. Diesel’s gut punches, which he calls The Fist and The Furious, stunned Weasel in the opening minutes. Weasel was able to regain some ground by steeling eggs from a near by chicken coupe and blaming it on Diesel. Diesel then went in for some head punches, a.k.a. Fist and Furious, but Weasel dodged them because he had already seen The Fist and The Furious and refused to be suckered a second time. Angry at Weasel’s defense, Diesel picked up Weasel, strapped him to a chair, and made him watch the Pitch Black Trilogy five consecutive times. Weasel is dead.